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Mesures en pression Unités  Ncm², PSI, Pascal, Bar, Atmosphère 10 Ncm² = 1 bar ou 100 000


The force exerted between hard rollers can only be measured by the width of a pin. It is therefore necessary to measure the force with DigiForce.

The DigiForce measures force, pressure

  • The DigiForce is a device that measures the force or the pressure between 2 surfaces.

  • Units of measurement are user configurable.

  • Calibration makes it possible to adapt to all sensors, providing excellent precision and repeatability.

  • Significant time saving: immediate and repetitive measurement.

  • Accuracy of measurement: calibration can be done in our laboratories to have an absolute measurement.

Use DigiForce  with ease

User-friendly interface, configurable unit, memories, sharing, simple and efficient calibration

Easily transfer your data to your smartphone or tablet and save the Force values in a database constituting the measurement history.

DigiForce TabletMeasure App on demand – not available on Play Store and Apple Store

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